Appointing New Elders

Greetings, NLCC Family!

These are thrilling days in the life of our church. On Sunday evening, at 5pm, we will begin the installation process for our current elder candidates: Steve Atkinson and James Jones. These men faithfully endured their time of learning, testing, and examination with the elder team as elder candidates over the last year and a half.

Therefore, it is my pleasure, alongside Alan and Jasper’s joyful support, to present them to the church body for consideration, affirmation, and confirmation as new elders of NLCC, should the Lord allow.

When a Church Appoints Elders

The Bible teaches us that elders are men called by God and affirmed by their local church to be pastors and pacesetters for the congregation.

Typically, we think of “pastors” as only those in full-time vocational ministry. However, in scripture we see the words “pastor,” “overseer,” and “elder” used synonymously (Acts 20:17-18, 28; 1 Peter 5:1-2). Some elders may serve in a full-time capacity, while other elders may serve as laymen. We have both full-time elders and lay elders. Either way, an elder is simultaneously a pastor and overseer.

Elders are also pacesetters. Elders are not meant to be merely a voting or accountability board. Grounded in the gospel, elders lead in strength, wisdom, and integrity. Their lives and character should be found worthy of imitation by the body of believers they serve.

Furthermore, it is important to recall Hebrews 13 as we discuss church leaders: “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.” Hebrews 13:17

Here we see two great responsibilities. One for the elders and one for the members of the church:

  • The elders must “keep watch over your souls, as those who will give account to God” and do so “with joy and not groaning.”
  • While the members must “obey your leaders and submit to them” and do so in a way that brings your leaders “joy and not groaning” or it will “be of no advantage to you.”

Admittedly, there is a lot we could unpack in this concluding exhortation from the writer of Hebrews. Yet, the application I want to make today is the importance of knowing your leaders well so that you might joyfully obey and submit to their leadership.

Therefore, I am pleading with you to see and understand the importance of attending this week’s Members Meeting. Not only is it a special time in the life of our church, as appointing new elders is a tremendous endeavor, nothing short of God’s provision on display, it is important for the members to take responsibility in seeing to the appointment of the right men for the role. And you can do that simply by showing up and hearing the testimonies from each candidate and the current elders regarding the qualifications and calling of each candidate.

What to Expect

The installation process will consist of two meetings, approximately one month apart:

The first meeting will be Sunday, January 22nd at 5pm. Aside from the normal welcoming of new members, congregational affirmation of our church covenant, and singing, you can expect the following:

  • Lead Pastor presentation on an elder’s qualifications and responsibilities—(calling, qualifications, teaching, oversight, prayer).
  • The candidates will give testimonies regarding their calling, qualifications, gleanings from the candidacy program, and future hopes for NLCC.
  • Current elders will then give testimonies regarding the calling, qualification, gleanings from the candidacy program, and future hopes about the candidates and their service to NLCC.
  • The congregation will receive approximately 30 days to ask questions, express concerns, or affirmations, and pray for the candidates, elder team, and the church.

If all goes well and the congregation affirms and confirms these men as new elders, then the second meeting will be Sunday, February 19th at 5pm. Unlike the members meeting, this will be open to non-members, those friends and family of NLCC and the new elders to come and show their joyful support.

This meeting will be an installation service for the new elders. Here is what you can expect:

  • Congregational affirmation of the Members Covenant
  • Publicly address any issues and how the elder team handled those during the ~30 days allotted to the congregation and elder team.
  • Lead Pastor delivers a charge from the Scriptures to the elders being installed and the church.
  • Elder candidates publicly affirm their commitment to teach, uphold, and/or defend the following:
  • Finally, the elder team commissions the new elders for gospel ministry at NLCC, with the laying on of hands and prayer.
  • We invite everyone to attend a celebratory reception afterwards in the Life Center.

Final Plea

Brothers and sisters of NLCC, please pray for James Jones, Steve Atkinson, your current elders (Alan, Jasper, and myself), and our church family over the next few days. Pray for the Lord’s will to be clearly known by all of us as we seek to install new elders at NLCC.

Please make every effort to attend the upcoming meetings. It is important for our entire church body to participate in these. It is also a wonderful thing for all of us to observe what godly male leadership in the local church must look like. Praise God for His many blessings!

Grace and Peace,

Kyle Jones, Lead Pastor