Holy Week | Wednesday
Holy Week (or Passion Week) begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Resurrection Sunday (Easter Sunday). These are some of the most sacred days on the Christian calendar. I will release a blog post each day this week for you to use as a devotional guide. These posts will contain Bible readings, critical explanations of the text, devotional thoughts, and a prayer. So, please join me as we examine what Jesus was up to during Holy Week.
View previous posts in this series: Palm Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
You can read about Wednesday of Holy Week in the following passages: Matthew 26:6-16, Mark 14:3-11, Luke 22:3-6.
On Wednesday, from what we see in the Scriptures, Jesus and his disciples remained in Bethany for a day of rest. The first half of the week was challenging, and the second half will be even more strenuous.
Jesus is at Simon the leper’s home. He is reclining at the table, which is a normal 1st century practice, and Mary of Bethany, Lazarus’ sister, came to him holding an alabaster flask of pure nard. She broke open the flask and poured it over his head and feet.
Judas is outraged and says, “Why was this fragrance not sold for 300 denarii and given to the poor?” But he wasn’t concerned about the poor. A love for money (greed) possesses Judas. He oversees the moneybag and often helped himself to what was in it.
Jesus comes to her defense and explains the gravity of the moment clearly: “Leave her alone. She has done a beautiful thing to me. She has done what she could; she has anointed my body beforehand for burial. And truly, I say to you, wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.” Jesus words have come true, as all four gospels mention this beautiful act.
Mary gives up her most valuable possession for Christ, showing her complete devotion to him. Judas is outraged. He leaves and goes to meet with the Chief Priests in order to betray Jesus for 30 silver pieces, or approx. four months wages.
These Wednesday events of Holy Week give us a look at two kinds of followers. One, delights in the benefits of being around Christ—a false follower. The other, delights in being with Christ—a true follower.
Search your heart. When you think about Jesus, what are you affectionate for? Do you only seek him in a time of need? Or do you delight in him daily? Is he a means to an end for you? Or is he the end of all means for you?
I encourage you to spend time at the feet of Jesus daily, utilizing Scripture reading, prayer, journaling, meditation, and songs. Abide in Christ, my friends, for apart from him you can do nothing.
Heavenly Father, how great are you in all the earth! Help me to spend the time of my days wisely. Strip me of everything that I have made more important than your Son. Make my heart delight in being with him each day. Amen.
For further learning, check out this video on Wednesday of Holy Week by The Gospel Coalition.